Mrs. Pierone - Grade 2
Instructor: Mrs. BatesPierone
Please check homework notebooks for specific page numbers and for any last minute changes.
Monday: Math page, Spelling page, GRAB
Tuesday: Math page, Spelling page, GRAB
Wednesday: Math page, Spelling page, GRAB
Thursday: Study Spelling and Vocabulary, Math page, GRAB (Fluency work page)
Friday: Rest and relax!
(GRAB sheets are due on Fridays. All other homework is due the following school day.)Class Reminders:
Please continue to complete GRAB (Go Read A Book) reading homework each night. Remember that any reading counts! Please have your child read for twenty minutes each night. They can read chapter books, magazines, even study guides! Also, they can try re-reading some of their favorite stories to practice fluency. Reading logs are collected on Fridays and returned on Mondays.
Please try to save your child’s math work mats. They can be very helpful with homework. Children can also log into their Prodigy accounts. Just follow the login information that was sent home.Children may also enjoy Superkids Online Fun, Raz Kids, and Envisions Math.
Please remember to check Salem Drive take home folders for upcoming projects and events.