Salem Drive School Health Office
Salem Drive School
Health Office
Rosanna Mead, RN BSN CSN
Anne Hamtil, Secretarial Assistant
Phone: 973-515-2442 Fax: 973-515-5008
email address:
absentee email:
Physical Examinations
All transfer and kindergarten children are required to have a complete physical examination by the family physician before being admitted to school. Forms to be completed by the physician are accessed through the online registration process. If you need a second copy, click HERE. Mantoux Intradermal Tuberlin Tests are required only for those who meet the criteria found HERE.
Although it is not required, it is highly recommended that your child have a physical exam yearly by your primary care physician or at least once during each developmental stage
- Early Childhood (preschool through grade 3)
- Pre-adolescence (grade 4-6)
- Adolescence (grades 7-12)
Medications cannot be given to a child without a completed authorization form signed by the parent and the physician. This includes all prescriptions and over-the-counter medication. If medication must be administered during school hours, please find the required form here. All medications are to be stored in the nurse's office.
Also note: Students are not allowed to carry medication. A responsible adult should deliver the medications to the health office.
Annual Health Screenings
Throughout a typical school year, multiple health screenings required by the state of New Jersey are conducted.
As per, N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2(g)3 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.3(b)3ii mandated health screenings include height, weight, blood pressure, hearing, vision, and scoliosis.
The grades in which these screenings must be carried out are as follows:
If you have any questions or would not like your child to participate in screenings, please contact the school nurse. We anticipate starting our screening program November 15th and will continue throughout the school year.
Scoliosis screenings will be conducted in 5th grade during the spring. Permission forms, noting the date of your child’s scoliosis screening, will be sent via email.
Allergy and Asthma Management
Immunization Requirements
Request for Medication Administration by the School Nurse
This needs to be filled out by your child's Health Care Provider and signed by a parent/guardian before any medication may be administered at school. Be sure medication is properly labeled.
Pre Entrance Physical Examination Form
This physical examination form needs to filled out for all incoming kindergarteners and all students transferring into the Hanover Township School District for the first time.
Food Allergies
Food allergies are a growing concern in schools across America. Millions of children must be mindful of every single food item they eat, or risk suffering a very severe, or life-threatening allergic reaction.
There are several children in our school with life-threatening food allergies. Common food allergens include, but are not limited to: peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs. Other common food allergens include: soy, milk, sesame, fish, and/or shellfish.
Knowing the life threatening nature of these allergies, we ask that you kindly keep in mind the following on a daily basis:
- Please remind your child that it is strictly prohibited for them to share their snack or lunch with any other student while in school.
- There is no eating allowed on our school buses.
- We request all children wash their hands with soap and water after they eat breakfast, and before leaving for school every morning.
- Consider your child’s level of neatness when sending in nut butter dippers (i.e. Nutella dippers, peanut butter dippers, etc.). These items tend to get messy thus have a higher risk for cross contamination. If you are planning to send these in, please reinforce the importance of cleanliness and washing hands with your child.
Please Remember to Report Your Child’s Absence:
Absentee Email:
What to report
Specific reason for absence
- Illness (symptoms, diagnosis, etc.)
- Non-illness related
- Any health related appointments
When to reach out to the nurse
If your child has been absent from school three or more days, contact your school nurse for guidance.
When to Keep Your Child Home:
- Fever; your child may return once fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
- Vomiting or diarrhea; your child may return after 24 hours symptom free
- If your child is contagious
Information for 5th Grade Parents
Immunization Requirements
NJ State Immunization Requirements for School Entry
- One dose of Tdap (Tetanus, diptheria, acellular pertussis) given no earlier than the 10th birthday.
- One dose of meningococcal-containing vaccine given on or after the 11th birthday.
If your child has already received any of these immunization, please submit records to the health office.
Immunization Information
Vaccines for Pre-Teens and Teens: What Parents Should Know
MJS Athletics
For 5th Grade Students Interested in Athletics at Memorial Junior School:
Click Here for required medical forms