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Project Child Find

 Project Child Find is a process mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and NJAC 6A:14, the regulations that dictate how each state provides special education services.  This program requires that local school districts assist with the identification of children from age 3 through 21, who may be developing or learning differently.

Infants & Toddlers (Birth - Age 3)

The provision of identification and intervention services to children from birth to age 3 resides with the County Early Intervention Program.  If you are concerned that your infant or toddler is developing or learning differently, you should contact the New Jersey state-wide Early Intervention system referral center at the below toll-free phone number.   

New Jersey Early Intervention System Referral Center:  (888) 653-4463
New Jersey Early Intervention website:

When you call, an intake specialist will talk with you about your concerns and offer referral information for Morris County if needed. If a developmental evaluation is indicated, the service coordinator will work with you to schedule a multidisciplinary evaluation of your child’s developmental levels and needs. This evaluation service is provided at no cost to parents. If appropriate, certain Early Intervention services may be recommended and provided through the New Jersey Early Intervention system.

Preschool Children (Ages 3 to 5)

If you are concerned that your preschool age child is developing or learning differently, you can call the Hanover Township Public Schools, Department of Special Services at 973-515-2443. After submitting a written request for an evaluation by the Child Study Team, a meeting will be arranged with you to discuss your concerns and decide if an evaluation is warranted. If that is the case and an evaluation is conducted, you will be invited to participate in another meeting to discuss the findings.  This meeting will address whether the findings support your child’s eligibility for special education and related services and if so, recommendations for intervention options and program planning would be completed with you. Your written consent is required before any such services would begin. All these services are provided at no cost to parents.

School-Age Students (Ages 5-21)

If you are concerned that your school-age child is developing or learning differently, you should speak with your child’s school guidance counselor or principal, who may refer the matter to the Intervention and Referral Services Committee (I&RS) at your child’s school. You also have the right to request a Child Study Team (CST) evaluation for consideration of your child’s eligibility for special education and related services.