HTSACC staff, as responsible caregivers, will enhance children’s days. We will provide enjoyable experiences in a safe and caring environment. Through child directed and staff planned activities, children can express creativity, foster appropriate interactions, learn and grow. HTSACC: a fun, interactive, learning environment!
The Hanover Township School Age Child Care program operates under the direction of the Hanover Township Board of Education. HTSACC does not use a penny of tax payer dollars, but rather is a profit center to the Board of Education, paying our fair share of expenses back to the district. The school year program provides quality care for children who are enrolled in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade, and Camp HTSACC provides care from Kindergarten through 8th grade. . The programs are designed to provide flexible care to children of families that reside in Hanover Township.
All HTSACC programs have experienced and highly qualified staff. The staff guide and facilitate activities that address the interests and developmental needs of the children. All of the programs operate on a child-centered philosophy. The specific needs and interests of the children are explored in order to develop programming that is engaging and developmentally appropriate. The programs provide for the nurturing of physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth in children.
General Activities: There will be designated times for free play in the cafeteria in which staff will provide board games, crafts stations, etc. for the children to choose from. Free play is supervised and the staff assists children who are not making choices to join in activities or help them to do something they would like.
Staff Led Activities: Staff led activities are planned and carried out by the staff with input from the children. There is a minimum of three per week.
Gym Play: Children will be given the opportunity to play in the gym when temperatures are too cold or there is inclement weather. The staff organize games and group activities, as well as allow for free play with multiple types of gym equipment.
Outdoor Play: This can be an organized or a free play period in which the children play on the playgrounds at the site or play organized games. Sports equipment and outdoor play materials are made available.
Non-HTSACC programs (i.e., Brownies, Girl Scouts, sports, school run clubs): Children may participate in programs located in the school during HTSACC program hours. It is the parent’s responsibility to put in writing the activity their child is participating in and submit to the Group Leader and the HTSACC office. Please indicate the following, in writing:
Name of Activity (i.e. brownies, girls scouts), Supervising Adult (who will need to sign child out and in), Times of activity, Days, Dates effective
Please inform the supervising adult of the after school activity that it is their responsibility to sign the child out of and back into the HTSACC program.
Child Guidance & Behavior Policy
The child behavior policy is to assure that there are guidelines for behavior management within the HTSACC programs. It is expected that all families enrolled understand the policy that the HTSACC program follows when dealing with matters regarding inappropriate behavior. It is the goal of the HTSACC staff to set appropriate limits for children to succeed within. Staff will give acknowledgement to children when they cooperate, share and participate. The staff will also encourage children to resolve their own conflicts using conflict resolution and will intercede when needed.
When inappropriate behaviors occur, HTSACC staff will help a child modify her/his inappropriate behavior by talking with the child to help them understand why the behavior is inappropriate. They will also discuss the consequences of that behavior, as well as alternatives to use in the future. It is required that HTSACC staff report any inappropriate behaviors that results in physical or verbal harm to a child’s peers, staff or themselves. Parents/guardians will be notified of the behavior by one of the staff members.
The family of the child/ren may be contacted by the Program Coordinator and/or Site Leader. The desired outcome from the conversation is to produce positive behavior guidelines for the child with the staff and families in agreement. The behavior guidelines should then be met and improvements seen within a pre-determined period of time. After this period, the decision will be made for the continuation or discontinuation of the child’s enrollment in the HTSACC program. If enrollment is suspended, the Program Coordinator will decide the length of time that suspension is necessary. There will be no refund of fees paid if a child is suspended from a program
The Program Coordinator has the discretion to temporarily or permanently remove a child from the program if documented behavior problems persist or if immediate action is necessary. It is the discretion of the Site Leader if a child’s behavior requires that an authorized individual pick up a child earlier than time of program closing. If you are called to pick your child up early due to a behavioral issue, we expect you or one of your authorized adults to pick-up within 15 minutes of the call.
By enrolling in the Hanover Township School Age Child Care Program, you agree to adhere to the Behavior Policy and are required to sign it as part of the registration process.
Children with Special Needs
HTSACC is committed to providing a quality child care program Hanover Township Schools and will include children with special needs for whom reasonable accommodations can be made to help those children participate safely, comfortably, and successfully in the program
Upon registration, families are asked to provide information regarding any special needs that the child may have. If a child has special needs, an assessment of those needs will be made with discussions between the HTSACC Program Coordinator, school staff, and the child’s family. A period of enrollment will occur, in which the ability of HTSACC staff to provide childcare in which the child is safe, comfortable, and successful in the program is assessed. After this trial period, the group will be re-convened and a decision will be made for the continuation or discontinuation of the child in the program.
There are several methods of communication used in the program. The staff will use the following tools of communication to build and maintain relationships with family members:
Day-to-Day: Staff will regularly communicate with families at drop off or pick up time or through phone contact.
Telephone: Staff members may contact families by phone for issues concerning their children.
Family Information Center: The information center allows the program to communicate with families through postings, informational pamphlets, program planners, menus, etc.
HTSACC Newsletters: Distributed throughout the year to parents and program community.
Internet: The schools district’s website contains necessary information for families, such as enrollment information, as well as updates to program activity. Families are able to email the HTSACC office as well.
Staff/Family conferences & meetings: If a behavioral problem exists or if a parent requests, a staff/family meeting may be arranged. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible to the event, and the Site Leader and/or Program Coordinator will be present. All information discussed at the meeting will be documented, and is confidential.
Family Orientation: Orientation to the HTSACC programs is available in the spring of the school year to families of children entering Kindergarten at the Kindergarten orientation. HTSACC staff is present at Back to School night with information and are available to answer questions regarding the program. The HTSACC office staff is always available to answer your questions about our programs - please call the office between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM to talk or set up an appointment.
Field Trips
During Holiday Care and Summer Camp, the HTSACC program plans field trips in which all children enrolled on the day of the field trip are expected to participate.
Food Service
The HTSACC programs offer nutritious and well-proportioned breakfast and snack options during our programs. Breakfast is provided during Early Birds, Holiday Care, and summer camp. Snacks are served in After Care, Holiday Care, and summer camp.
LUNCHES FROM HOME: Children will bring lunch for early dismissal days, Holiday Care, and the summer camp program. Please note that PTA lunch programs and school milk programs are not offered on half days or during holiday care.
Having many children in the program with a variety of homework needs requires us to implement a homework policy. Homework takes place in a setting referred to as “Homework Club” which takes place after a period of snack and free play.
During Homework Club the HTSACC staff is responsible for ensuring that an atmosphere amenable to starting homework assignments is provided each day. However, the staff will not provide one-on-one tutoring for the children, nor will they be responsible for ensuring that any child completes all of his or her homework. Approximately 45 minutes each day will be set-aside for quiet homework time. Each site will determine the times for Homework Club and which age group will attend when. Please understand that we want your child’s afternoon to be a balance of homework and activities, so staff will not enforce students to finish all homework after the 45 minutes period.
Policies for Signing In and Being Released from Programs
Signing into the Program: HTSACC staff takes attendance as the children arrive in Early Birds, at After School Kids, being directly released from their teachers, as well as when they enter the summer program and Holiday Care.
If your child is not attending a program as scheduled, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to contact the HTSACC office and/or site and alert the absence:
HTSACC Office 973-637-1563 / htsacc@hanovertwpschools.org
Bee Meadow School 973-515-2482 (cafeteria answering machine)
Mountview Road School 973-637-5502 (cafeteria answering machine)
Salem Drive School 973-515-2483 (cafeteria answering machine)
Please note: If a child leaves early from school and does not return prior to school dismissal, they will not be able to attend ASK. Children cannot be dropped into ASK if they were not dismissed directly to the program by their teacher.
Releasing Children from the Program: All HTSACC program enrollees in After School Kids, Holiday Care, and Camp HTSACC must be picked up by a parent, guardian, or previously authorized adult. Enrollees in Early Birds will be released directly to the playground/classroom at the start of school.
Any adults other than the parent or guardian who are authorized to pick up a child from an HTSACC program must be noted on the family information form. In an emergency situation in which an adult other than those authorized on the family information form will pick up the child, the parent must first contact the HTSACC office to give the name and description of the authorized individual. In addition, they must fax or e-mail written permission to the office PRIOR to the pick-up time. All authorized adults sent to pick up a child must show identification and sign the child out for the child to be released from the program. At no time will the program staff permit a child to meet a parent, guardian, or authorized adult outside the program location. Any information that is distributed regarding the program or information regarding the child such as accident reports will be given to the person picking up the child.
If a court order exists regarding custodial rights of child, HTSACC must receive a copy to ensure the proper release of the child and information regarding the child.
HTSACC staff members reserve the right to not release children to authorized adults if the adult’s behavior suggests the adult may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In a situation where staff suspects that the adult is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will contact other adults who are authorized to pick up the child and request they pick up the child. The Hanover Township Police Department will also be contacted.
Please note that you may only sign your child out of the program once per day. For example, if you pick your child up early at HTSACC for a medical appointment, you can't return them to the program. Children attending HTSACC must be dismissed directly from the school to the program. Children who have left school early or at regular dismissal may not be signed into HTSACC at any time later that day.
Early Drop Off: Parents are expected to drop off their children at the Early Birds program no earlier than 7:30 AM. There is no early drop off.
Late Pick Up: Parents are expected to pick up their children no later than 6:00 PM, depending on the programs in which their child is enrolled. If the parent arrives later than this time, a late fine per child, per 15-minute increment will be charged. After two late pick-ups, it is considered chronic. Chronic lateness is grounds for cancellation of childcare.
Early Dismissal: When schools are scheduled for an early dismissal for parent/teacher conferences or other staff workshops, HTSACC provides child care from school dismissal until 6 PM. If your child is regularly enrolled for After School Kids on a day that the early dismissal falls on, no additional steps need to be taken. If your child DOES NOT attend After School Kids on the day of the early dismissal, but you need to use the program, you must contact the HTSACC office to confirm we can accommodate the drop in. There is a drop in fee for the additional day of attendance. Children cannot be signed in and out on conference days or for any other reason. If you sign them out of the program for the day, they may not return.
Safety, Health & Nutrition
Sanitary Considerations: All children attending the Hanover Township School Age Child Care programs must be fully toilet trained at registration. Please note: HTSACC staff will not accompany any child in the program into the bathroom. If a child needs to change their clothing, the child will change themselves. Parents should provide an extra set of clothing to be kept in the backpack. Should a situation arise that requires parent/guardian assistance, the parent/guardian will be notified immediately and be expected to pick their child/ren up as quickly as possible.
Chronic Health Conditions: Please let us know if your child has any chronic illness, such as severe allergies or diabetes, on your registration paperwork. Any child registered with a chronic illness will have a care plan prepared by the school nurse. The school nurse will review the care plan procedures with the staff members, but the only medication that the HTSACC staff can administer is a prescribed EpiPen
Administering First Aid & Handling Injuries: HTSACC will provide basic first aid to children if an injury occurs. If a medical situation arises such as a major injury that staff are not comfortable handling, Emergency Medical Services will be contacted. Staff will notify the parent/guardian of major injuries that occur in the program. Should a child need to be taken to a hospital by emergency transportation, an HTSACC staff member will accompany them.
Sick Children: Should a child become ill during the program hours, a staff member will observe the child for obvious signs of illness (chronic cough, vomiting, dizziness, etc.). The staff member will then contact the parent directly to advise them of the situation. It is the final decision of the staff member in charge as to whether the child may remain in the program for the day. If the staff member cannot reach the parent, they will then attempt to contact the authorized individuals who are listed as emergency contacts on the Family Information Form.
Medication: In accordance with district policy, HTSACC staff is not permitted to dispense medication to the children at any of the HTSACC programs. Should a child require medication during the day, we suggest that the parent administer the medication at home before and after the program hours. The only exception to this is the EpiPen, and the child must have a care plan on file with the school nurse and provide all required documentation. During the camp program, should medication need to be administered due to medical conditions, the parent/guardian must come directly to the program to administer it to their child.
Children are not permitted to self-administer medication unless specific medical criteria (e.g. epi-pens for allergies, asthma) are met and the necessary paperwork is submitted to the school nurse. The nurse will consult with the HTSACC staff.
Communicable Diseases: The reporting, care, quarantine and readmission of students with reportable communicable diseases shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the Hanover Township Board of Health. If a child is unable to return to school they may not attend any HTSACC programs until they become eligible to return.
There is no transportation provided by the district to and from any HTSACC program. If your child attends the ESY program during the summer and is registered for Camp HTSACC, a shuttle will be provided between BMS and MJS while the program is in session.
There is no transportation on a regular school day for enrollees in the After School Kids programs in the elementary schools. All children must be picked up by an authorized adult.