• Welcome to the Hour of Code!

              Welcome to the Hour of Code! Look for your grade level below and choose any of the games in that section. In many levels of the games, you will be challenged to think hard about how to setup your coding and programming. These levels will not always be easy! Keep trying and you will get it! Good luck!


    Hour of Code - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Intro


    1st and 2nd Grade
    Level 1: Minecraft!

    Level 1: Star Wars!

    Level 1: Coding with
    Angry Birds!

    Level 1: Create Your Own Flappy Bird Game!

    3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

    Level 1: Minecraft!

    Level 1: Star Wars!

    Level 1: Coding with Angry Birds!

    Level 1: Create Your Own Flappy Bird Game!

    Level 2: Code Combat!

    Level 2: Create a Dance Party!
    Dance Party

    Level 3: Code a Superhero Game!Superhero Coding Game

    Level 3: Make it Fly with Scratch!