Frequently Asked Questions
What are camp dates, hours, and location? Camp HTSACC will operate at Memorial Junior School from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM daily and will run from Monday, June 24 - Friday, August 16. The option for before care and after care will also be available.
Who can attend? Residents of Hanover Township who are enrolled in Kindergarten through 8th grade for September 2024.
How do I register? Registration will be completed online using Eleyo (link found here) and will be open from March 11 - April 26. Enrollment is first come, first served. Should a specific group/day fill up, you will be put on our wait list.
Can I register for different days each week? YES! The number of days, as well as the specific days, can vary each week. For example, you can register for M-F on week 1; W, TH, F on week 2; M, T, Th, F on week 3; T, W, Th on week 4; etc. You do not need to register for a minimum number of weeks!
Is there a half-day option? We do not offer a half-day option for camp, but you are permitted to pick up your child earlier than the end of the camp day, if needed, with the exception of trip days, as we may not arrive back to camp earlier than 4:30pm (Tuesdays & Thursdays).
What will my child do at camp? Children will enjoy weekly themes that connect to staff-led activities (i.e. "HTSACC is Out of This World" - Constellation Creations; Moon Sand; Catch the Alien), along with time for free choice play, recess, and physical activities. Children will attend field trips on Tuesdays and Thursdays, swim on Monday and Friday mornings at the Bee Meadow Pool, and enjoy fun camp activities throughout the week.
How will groups be formed? Children will be put into grade level groups. Groups may consist of mixed grade levels depending on enrollment.
What should my child bring to camp each day? Children should bring a non-perishable lunch, water bottle, sunscreen (labeled in a Ziploc bag), closed toe shoes, extra clothes, and a towel. They should not bring any toys, electronics, etc. from home, as they are not permitted at camp and HTSACC is not responsible for any lost or damaged items.
What happens at the pool? We attend the pool before it opens to the public, so Camp HTSACC campers get to use the entirety of the pool to themselves! On occasion, we share the space with the swim team and/or swim lessons. Lifeguards are on duty at all times while we swim. Kids do not need to be swim tested to use the pool, as we keep various groups in certain areas of the pool. For example, our incoming Kindergartners and 1st graders remain in the roped off 2 foot sections of the pool, regardless of swimming ability, as they can all enjoy time in the pool with heads above water. Our older campers can go into the deep end and have use of the rock wall, slide, etc.
Can my child bring flotation devices to the pool? As per pool rules, flotation devices will not be permitted. Lifeguards are on duty at all times while we swim, before the pool opens to the public.
What happens if my child is not going to be at camp? If your child is going to miss camp for any reason, please call the Welcome Center and/or send us an email to report the absence. Please note, no refunds, credits, or make-up days will be applied for any missed camp days, for any reason.
Is transportation provided? No, transportation is not provided to or from camp. Authorized adults must drop off and pick up campers each day from Memorial Junior School. Children will not be permitted to walk home from camp.
Can my child attend both Camp and Enrichment Programs? Yes - you can choose to sign up for weeks of camp and/or enrichment programs. If you want to have your child attend a half day enrichment program AND camp, that is possible, however, there is no discount for doing both. You would be responsible for fees for both camp and enrichment programs. Additionally, if you were to do both, you'd have to choose one or other for Tuesdays and Thursdays, as those are camp trip days. You could also register for camp for 3 days on that given week (M, W, F). If you were to enroll in both camp and a half day enrichment program, we would ensure your child gets to and/or from the enrichment program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For Tuesdays and Thursdays, the child would either come to camp and attend trips OR attend the enrichment program, in which you would be responsible for drop off and pick up as per the course time frame.