Buildings and Grounds Department

  • Buildings and Grounds Department

    Green Cleaning Man The Buildings and Grounds department is dedicated to the cleaning and maintenance of our facilitles.  We strive to provide a clean, safe, and secure learning environment for our students and staff.

    We are currently moving to "Green Seal" certified Cleaning Products as well as attempting to become a fully recyclable district.

    William Padavano

    Supervisor, Buildings and Grounds

    Man with Drill
    Doing our part as a "Community that Inspires Excellence".

Application for Use of School Facilities

  • Below you will find the “Application for Use of School Facilities” in two formats, Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word.

    You can either print and mail the completed application to:

    Memorial Jr School
    Buildings and Grounds Dept.
    61 Highland Avenue
    Whippany, NJ 07981

    Or you can email the completed form back as an attachment to:
    Noreen Monks at

    If you have any questions, you may contact the Buildings and Grounds department at the following number (973) 515-2414.