Buildings and Grounds Department
Buildings and Grounds Department
The Buildings and Grounds department is dedicated to the cleaning and maintenance of our facilitles. We strive to provide a clean, safe, and secure learning environment for our students and staff. We are currently moving to "Green Seal" certified Cleaning Products as well as attempting to become a fully recyclable district.
William PadavanoSupervisor, Buildings and Grounds
Doing our part as a "Community that Inspires Excellence".
Application for Use of School Facilities
Below you will find the “Application for Use of School Facilities” in two formats, Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word.
You can either print and mail the completed application to:
Memorial Jr School
Buildings and Grounds Dept.
61 Highland Avenue
Whippany, NJ 07981
Or you can email the completed form back as an attachment to:
Noreen Monks at
If you have any questions, you may contact the Buildings and Grounds department at the following number (973) 515-2414.